Reference Whitepapers

Design & Evaluation

  1. A Cloud-Deployed 3D Medical Imaging System with Dynamically Optimized Scalability and Cloud Costs - IEEE Conference Publication

  2. A New Software Architecture for Ultra-large-scale Rendering Cloud - IEEE Conference Publication

  3. An open source Grid based render farm for Blender 3D - IEEE Conference Publication

  4. A Novel Trustworthy Framework for Cloud Based Rendering Application - IEEE Conference Publication

  5. Arduino Yun Assisted Photovoltaic-Powered Hydroponics Systems for Rural Communities in Ghana - IEEE Conference Publication

  6. A Utility-Maximizing Tasks Assignment Method for Rendering Cluster System - IEEE Conference Publication

  7. Cagra Dependable Distributed Storage System for 3D Computer Graphics Rendering - IEEE Conference Publication

  8. Dimensioning the equipment of a wave farm: Energy storage and cables - IEEE Conference Publication

  9. Distributed, workflow-driven rendering of 3D object scenes on a big data processing platform - IEEE Conference Publication

  10. Dynamic-stability enhancement and reactive powervoltage control of a largeScale wind farm using a STATCOM  IEEE Conference Publication

  11. Enhancing parallel game-tree searches by using idle resources of a high performance render farm - IEEE Conference Publication

  12. Estimation of wake effect in wind farms using design of experiment methodology - IEEE Conference Publication

  13. High-Fidelity Interactive Rendering on Desktop Grids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  14. Hybrid cloud rendering-oriented virtual network embedding in Optical and Data Center Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  15. Important features of a successful plan for rural electrification - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  16. Integrating Adaptive Components: An Emerging Challenge in Performance-Adaptive Systems and a Server Farm Case-Study - IEEE Conference Publication

  17. Modular Multilevel E-STATCOM Using Supercapacitor Based Energy Storage System - IEEE Conference Publication

  18. Multiscale analysis of array and antenna farm problems - IEEE Conference Publication

  19. Render Verse: Hybrid Render Farm for Cluster and Cloud Environments - IEEE Conference Publication

  20. R-FirstFit: A Reservation Based First Fit Priority Job Scheduling Strategy and Its Application for Rendering - IEEE Conference Publication

  21. Smart Farming: Cyber Security Challenges - IEEE Conference Publication

  22. SoSE architecture principles for Net-Centric Multi-Int Fusion Systems - IEEE Conference Publication

  23. The design and implementation of Render Farm Manager based on OpenPBS - IEEE Conference Publication

Research Papers we are currently studying

  1. Adaptable Blockchain-Based Systems: A Case Study for Product Traceability

  2. Aerial surveillance and airborne remote sensing techniques in Guardia

  3. Analysis of the One-Level Sealed Bidding on Effectiveness under Different Bidding Variables

  4. An Empirical Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Simultaneous Ascending-Bid Auctions

  5. An Intelligent Bidding Strategy Based on Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Bidding in Display

  6. Application of big data in electronic bidding

  7. A review on consensus algorithm of blockchain

  8. Bidding behavior and profits in pay-per-bid auctions

  9. Bidding Price Game Model

  10. Block bidding mechanism incorporating demand side participation

  11. Blockchain as a Platform for Secure Inter-Organizational

  12. Blockchain-Based Smart Contract for E-Bidding System

  13. Blockchain in Developing Countries

  14. dynamics of illicit drug consumption in a given population

  15. Eyes in the Skies: A Data-Driven Fusion Approach to Identifying Drug Crops From Remote Sensing Images

  16. A Blockchain Implementation for the Cataloguing of CCTV Video Evidence

  17. A Distributed-Ledger Consortium Model for Collaborative Innovation

  18. A Legally Relevant Socio-Technical Language Development for Smart Contracts

  19. A Massive Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Empirical Study and Code Metrics

  20. An Efficient Strategy to Eliminate Malleability of

  21. An Improved Proof-of-Trust Consensus Algorithm for Credible Crowdsourcing Blockchain Services

  22. Approaching Non-Disruptive Distributed Ledger Technologies via the Exchange Network Architecture

  23. A Self-Aware Contract for Decentralized Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Commerce

  24. A Survey on Security Verification of Blockchain Smart Contracts

  25. Automatic smart contract generation using controlled natural language and template

  26. Beagle: A New Framework for Smart Contracts Taking Account of Law

  27. Bitcoin, An SWOT Analysis

  28. Blockchain Application for Central Banks: A Systematic Mapping Study

  29. Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)

  30. Blockchain–Based Location Proof Generation and Verification

  31. Blockchain-Oriented Software Engineering: Challenges and New Directions

  32. Blockchain Potential Contribution to Reducing Corruption Vulnerabilities in the Brazilian Context

  33. Blockchain Solutions for Forensic Evidence

  34. Blockchain Solutions for Forensic Evidence Preservation in IoT Environments

  35. BRUSCHETTA: An IoT Blockchain-Based Framework for Certifying Extra Virgin Olive Oil Supply Chain

  36. BSFP: Blockchain-Enabled Smart Parking with Fairness, Reliability and Privacy Protection

  37. Building an Inclusive Distributed Ledger System

  38. Building a prototype based on Microservices and Blockchain technologies for notary’s office: An academic experience report

  39. Countering Block Withholding Attack Efficiently

  40. Cryptocurrencies—A Forensic Challenge or Opportunity for Law Enforcement? An INTERPOL Perspective

  41. Deanonymization of Litecoin Through Transaction-Linkage Attacks

  42. Deanonymizing Cryptocurrency With Graph Learning: The Promises and Challenges

  43. Dependable Public Ledger for Policy Compliance, a Blockchain Based Approach

  44. Design Patterns for Smart Contracts in the Ethereum Ecosystem

  45. Development of the Application for Diploma Authenticity Using the Blockchain Technology

  46. Digital Forensics

  47. From Domain-Specific Language to Code: Smart Contracts and the Application of Design Patterns

  48. From Institutions to Code: Towards Automated Generation of Smart Contracts

  49. From Legal Agreements to Blockchain Smart Contracts

  50. GDPR Compliant Consent Driven Data Protection in Online Social Networks: A Blockchain-Based Approach

  51. GDPR Compliant Consent Driven Data Protection in Online Social Networks: A Blockchain-Based Approach

  52. Guideline for enterprise to a Value Plan through Blockchain and ICO

  53. Highly-Distributed Systems Based on Micro-Services and their Construction Paradigms

  54. Increasing Trust in Tor Node List Using Blockchain

  55. Interactive Incontestable Signature for Transactions Confirmation in Bitcoin Blockchain

  56. jnoub2019

  57. Key Escrow Protocol Based on a Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement and Threshold Cryptography

  58. khan2020

  59. Law as a Service (LaaS): Enabling Legal Protection over a Blockchain Network

  60. Legally Binding Anonymous Multiparty Commitments on a Blockchain

  61. Legally Speaking: Smart Contracts, Archival Bonds, and Linked Data in the Blockchain

  62. Legal smart contracts in Ethereum Block chain: Linking the dots

  63. Log File Authentication and Storage on Blockchain Network

  64. Make Users Own Their Data: A Decentralized Personal Data Store Prototype Based on Ethereum and IPFS

  65. moisesarantes2018

  66. PoPF: A Consensus Algorithm for JCLedger

  67. Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems and GDPR Compliance

  68. Privacy in the Internet of Things

  69. Proposed classification of blockchains based on authority and incentive dimensions

  70. Redactable Blockchain using Enhanced Chameleon Hash Function

  71. Research and Application of Blockchain Technology in Transportation Administrative Law Enforcement

  72. Runtime Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts

  73. Self-Aware Smart Contracts with Legal Relevance

  74. Signing Blockchain Transactions using Qualified Certificates

  75. SmaCoNat: Smart Contracts in Natural Language

  76. Smart Contracts: Automated Stipulations on Blockchain

  77. Smart Contracts: Legal Considerations

  78. Smart will converting the legal testament into a smart contract

  79. Solving the Buyer and Seller’s Dilemma

  80. Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Anode Recess on the Electrical Characteristics of  Schottky Diodes With Gated Edge Termination

  81. Survey of consensus protocols on blockchain applications

  82. Sustainable blockchain-enabled services: Smart contracts

  83. The Internet of Things ecosystem

  84. The Risks and Challenges of Implementing Ethereum Smart Contracts

  85. Towards Governance and Dispute Resolution for DLT and Smart Contracts

  86. Tracking GDPR Compliance in Cloud-based Service Delivery

  87. When Blockchain Meets the Right to Be Forgotten: Technology versus Law in the Healthcare Industry


  1. A case study for micro-grid PV: Rural electrification in India - IEEE Conference Publication

  2. A control strategy of hybrid energy storage system in bipolar-type DC micro-grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  3. A fault tolerant topology of inverter for micro-grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  4. A flywheel energy storage system for an isolated micro-grid - IET Conference Publication

  5. A multiple environment dispatch problem solution using ant colony optimization for micro-grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  6. Analysis of Ice-Covering Characteristics of China Hunan Power Grid - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  7. ANFIS based load frequency control in an isolated micro grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  8. A Novel DSM strategy for micro grids consisting of higher penetration of water heater loads - IEEE Conference Publication

  9. Application of ETAP in distributed power supply and micro-grid interconnection - IEEE Conference Publication

  10. A review on control strategies of ACDC micro grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  11. A review on development of Smart Grid technology in India and its future perspectives - IEEE Conference Publication

  12. A Self-Governed Online Energy Management and Trading for Smart Micro Nano-Grids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  13. A study on dairy farm-based hybrid renewable energy systems in South Africa - IEEE Conference Publication

  14. A technical and economical study of implementing a micro-grid system at an educational institution - IEEE Conference Publication

  15. Autonomous power management and load sharing in isolated micro-grids by consensus-based droop control of power converters - IEEE Conference Publication

  16. Based on Micro-grid Small-Signal Model Grid Off-Grid Seamless Handover Stability Study - IEEE Conference Publication

  17. Blockchain based Power Transaction Asynchronous Settlement System - IEEE Conference Publication

  18. Calculation and optimization of power network resilience - IEEE Conference Publication

  19. Coalitional Game Theory for Cooperative Micro-Grid Distribution Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  20. Combined Economic Emission Dispatch Solution of an Isolated Renewable Integrated Micro-Grid using Crow Search Algorithm - IEEE Conference Publication

  21. Control of solar powered micro-grids using electric vehicles - IEEE Conference Publication

  22. Design of a MAS as Cloud Computing Service to control Smart Micro Grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  23. Design of cuckoo search based optimized PI controller for improving stability of a PV based micro grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  24. Design Scheme for Data Transmission Component of Electric Internet of Things Management Platform - IEEE Conference Publication

  25. Distributed multi-generation options to increase environmental efficiency in smart cities - IEEE Conference Publication

  26. Distribution technology development and demonstration projects in Japan - IEEE Conference Publication

  27. Economic Evaluation of Micro-Grid System in Commercial Parks Based on Echelon Utilization Batteries - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  28. Efficient Power Sharing at the Edge by Building a Tangible Micro-Grid the Texas Case - IEEE Conference Publication

  29. Electric vehicles as a mean for peak power curtailment in micro grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  30. Framework for estimating flexibility of commercial and industrial customers in Smart Grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  31. Grid integration of electronic devices & systems at Medium Voltage - IEEE Conference Publication

  32. High fidelity cyber physical micro-grid systems - IEEE Conference Publication

  33. Hybrid Invasive Weed optimization - Particle Swarm optimization Algorithm for Biomass PV Micro-grid Power System - IEEE Conference Publication

  34. I-Maculaweb: A Tool to Support Data Reuse in Ophthalmology

  35. Integrated micro-grid optimization and control technology - IEEE Conference Publication

  36. Integrating and modeling the Vehicle to Grid concept in Micro-Grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  37. Integration of cogeneration systems into smart grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  38. Issues and challenges in smart-grid market operation and simulation - IEEE Conference Publication

  39. Maximum Penetration Level of Micro-Grids in Large-Scale Power Systems: Frequency Stability Viewpoint - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  40. Micro-grid operation and control of Photo-Voltaic power with canal based small hydro power plant - IEEE Conference Publication

  41. Micro-grid Power Market Bidding System Based on Multi-agent Technology - IEEE Conference Publication

  42. Micro-grid system based on renewable power generation units - IEEE Conference Publication

  43. Micro-scale smart grid optimization - IEEE Conference Publication

  44. Middleware-based implementation of smart micro-grid monitoring using data distribution service over IP networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  45. Modeling and analysis of the AC DC hybrid micro-grid with bidirectional power flow controller - IEEE Conference Publication

  46. Modelingand simulation of a village system controller: A micro grid perspective - IEEE Conference Publication

  47. Modeling and Simulation of Micro Gas turbine Generation System for Grid Connected Operation - IEEE Conference Publication

  48. Multi-objective stochastic optimal day-ahead scheduling for micro-grid based on scenario and PSO - IEEE Conference Publication

  49. Nature Inspired Self Organization for Adhoc Grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  50. Optimal Configuration of Grid Connected Microgrid Considering CCHP and Analysis of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction - IEEE Conference Publication

  51. Optimal planning of autonomous micro-grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  52. Optimal scheduling of an islanded urban micro grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  53. Passive islanding detection approach for inverter based DG using harmonics analysis - IEEE Conference Publication

  54. Peak Load reduction in micro Smart Grid using Non-Intrusive Load monitoring and Hierarchical Load scheduling - IEEE Conference Publication

  55. Philosophical considerations on the design of smart grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  56. Power flow control and protection in micro-grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  57. Power Planning for renewable energy grid integration - Case Study of South Africa - IEEE Conference Publication

  58. Predictive data analysis driven multi-agent system approach for electrical micro grids management - IEEE Conference Publication

  59. PV self-consumption in cities: Solarfighter experience - IEEE Conference Publication

  60. Real-world application of sustainable mobility in urban micro smart grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  61. Reduction of Main-Grid Dependence in Future DC Micro-Grids Using Electric Springs - IEEE Conference Publication

  62. ReIne, a flexible laboratory for emulating and testing the Distribution grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  63. Reliability evaluation of generation system with micro-grid based on glowworm swarm optimization - IEEE Conference Publication

  64. Reliability modeling and analysis of a micro-grid with significant clean energy penetration - IEEE Conference Publication

  65. Remote area micro-grid system using diesel driven doubly fed induction generators, photovoltaics and wind generators - IEEE Conference Publication

  66. Renewable energies in smart factories with electric vehicle fleets - IEEE Conference Publication

  67. Research on ancillary service management mechanism in the smart grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  68. Research on model management method for Micro-grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  69. Role of Micro Sources within Micro Grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  70. Roof-Top Stand-Alone PV Micro-Grid: A Joint Real-Time BES Management, Load Scheduling and Energy Procurement From a Peaker Generator - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  71. Sliding mode controller based decoupled control of STATCOM for voltage profile improvement in a micro grid system - IEEE Conference Publication

  72. Smart grid: An assessment of opportunities and challenges in its deployment in the ghana power system - IEEE Conference Publication

  73. Smart grid implementation in India A case study of Puducherry Pilot Project, India - IEEE Conference Publication

  74. Smart grid security, privacy, and resilient architectures: Opportunities and challenges - IEEE Conference Publication

  75. Smart Renewable Energy Micro Grid for Indian Scenarios - IEEE Conference Publication

  76. Smart Solar Micro-Grid Using ZigBee and Related Security Challenges - IEEE Conference Publication

  77. Study on the Operation Mode of Multi Micro Grid Based on Public Energy Storage - IEEE Conference Publication

  78. Telecommunications architectures and protocols for control and despatch of embedded micro generators - IET Conference Publication

  79. The typical network scheme of micro-grid based distributed wind-solar-storage systems - IEEE Conference Publication

  80. Transformerless Single-phase Grid-tied Micro Wind Turbine System Featuring Low Component-count - IEEE Conference Publication

  81. Vehicle-To-Grid Technology in a Micro-grid Using DC Fast Charging Architecture - IEEE Conference Publication

  82. Working energy-based economic incentives for the supply and loading qualities improvement in islanded micro-grids - IEEE Conference Publication

Token Paper Collection 2

  1. A Blockchain Based Framework for Lightweight Data Sharing and Energy Trading in V2G Network.pdf

  2. A Comparative Analysis of Vertical Agriculture Systems in Residential Apartments.pdf

  3. A Grid Connection Mechanism of Large scale Distributed Energy Resources based on Blockchain.pdf

  4. A Peer to Peer Market Algorithm for a Blockchain Platform.pdf

  5. A Study on Utilization of Hybrid Blockchain for Energy Sharing in Micro Grid.pdf

  6. Blockchain Based Communication and Data Security Framework for IoT Enabled Micro Solar Inverters.pdf

  7. Blockchain Based Distributed Control System for Edge Computing.pdf

  8. Blockchain Based Metering and Billing System Proposal with Privacy Protection for the Electric Network.pdf

  9. Blockchain based Power Transaction Asynchronous Settlement System.pdf

  10. Blockchain Technology Application in Improving of Energy Efficiency and Power Quality.pdf

  11. Case study Post market product monitoring system.pdf

  12. Compliance testing is NOT reliability testing.pdf

  13. Cultural considerations in service learning with American Indian Reservation community stakeholders.pdf

  14. Development of Reliable Wireless Communication System for Secure Blockchain based Energy Trading.pdf

  15. Drive Through Robotics: Robotic Automation for Last Mile Distribution of Food and Essentials During Pandemics.pdf

  16. Electronics in the fishing industry.pdf

  17. Energy sources for the world's post petroleum era.pdf

  18. Fostering consumers' energy market through smart contracts.pdf

  19. Multi Agent Architecture for Peer to Peer Electricity Trading based on Blockchain Technology.pdf

  20. Network optimization of food flows in the U.S..pdf

  21. On the Applicability of Distributed Ledger Architectures to Peer to Peer Energy Trading Framework.pdf

  22. Quantifying Deployability & Evolvability of Future Internet Architectures via Economic Models.pdf

  23. RESCoin to improve Prosumer Side Management into Smart City.pdf

  24. Research on Micro Grid Electric Energy Transaction Mechanism Based on Master Slave Smart Contract.pdf

  25. Smartporter: A Combined Perishable Food and People Transport Architecture in Smart Urban Areas.pdf

  26. System Design for Internet of Things Assisted Urban Aquaponics Farming.pdf

  27. The Blockchain in Microgrids for Transacting Energy and Attributing Losses.pdf

  28. Thing to thing electricity micro payments using blockchain technology.pdf

Token Paper Collection 3

  1. A Comparative Analysis of Vertical Agriculture Systems in Residential Apartments - IEEE Conference Publication

  2. A Data Model for Supplying a Data Center with Several Energy Sources - IEEE Conference Publication

  3. Analysis of Joint Cyber-Attacks Strategy in Micro-Grid System - IEEE Conference Publication

  4. An energy market for rural, islanded micro-grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  5. An Instantaneous Event-Triggered Hz–Watt Control for Microgrids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  6. An intelligent islanding selection algorithm for optimizing the distribution network based on emergency classification - IEEE Conference Publication

  7. Application of Fog Architecture Based on Multi-agent Mechanism in CPPS - IEEE Conference Publication

  8. Approach to Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring using Factorial Hidden Markov Model - IEEE Conference Publication

  9. ARTA: An economic middleware to exchange pervasive energy and computing resources - IEEE Conference Publication

  10. A software defined energy storage: Architecture, topology, and reliability - IEEE Conference Publication

  11. Auxiliary services provided by Smart Maximum Power Point Tracking Converters: State of art and implementations - IEEE Conference Publication

  12. A Zeno-Free Event-Triggered Secondary Control for AC Microgrids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  13. Contingency-Constrained Optimal Placement of Micro-PMUs and Smart Meters in Microgrids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  14. Current trends of implementing smart grid for enhancing the reliability of power utility network - IEEE Conference Publication

  15. DC-Powered Office Buildings and Data Centres : The First 380 VDC Micro Grid in a Commercial Building in Germany - IEEE Conference Publication

  16. Development of IoT authentication mechanisms for microgrid applications - IEEE Conference Publication

  17. Efficient Messaging for Java Applications Running in Data Centers - IEEE Conference Publication

  18. Energy efficient buildings facilitated by micro grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  19. Energy management and control strategy for DC micro-grid in data center - IEEE Conference Publication

  20. Evaluating retrofit strategies for greening existing buildings by energy modelling & data analytics - IEEE Conference Publication

  21. Examination of power supply options for communication sites operating in grid-islanded environments - IEEE Conference Publication

  22. Hierarchical protection architecture for 380V DC data center application - IEEE Conference Publication

  23. Hybrid micro-grid (μG) Based residential utility interfaced smart energy system: Applications for green data centers and commercial buildings - IEEE Conference Publication

  24. IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence Paradigms for Security and Privacy for Fog and Mobile Edge Computing - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  25. Improved Unbalance Compensation for Energy Management in Multi-Microgrid System with Internet of Things Platform - IEEE Conference Publication

  26. Impulsive noise survey on Power Line Communication networks up to 125 kHz for smart metering infrastructure in systems with solar inverters in Turkey - IEEE Conference Publication

  27. Increasing security of supply by the use of a Local Power Controller during large system disturbances - IEEE Conference Publication

  28. Keeping Data Alive: Communication Across Vehicular Micro Clouds - IEEE Conference Publication

  29. Microgrid Energy Management System for Academic Building - IEEE Conference Publication

  30. Micro grid laboratory as a tool for research on non-conventional energy sources in Ecuador - IEEE Conference Publication

  31. MICRO GRID: Security Issues and Solutions - IEEE Conference Publication

  32. Network analysis model based on canny communication system for theft detection - IEEE Conference Publication

  33. Online Kron Reduction for Economical Frequency Control of Microgrids - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  34. On the energy management in data center's microgrid - IEEE Conference Publication

  35. Optimal modeling of an integrated renewable energy system with battery storage for off grid electrification of remote rural area - IEEE Conference Publication

  36. Optimization Design Suite for Expandable Micro-Grid Clusters - IEEE Conference Publication

  37. Optimizing data center energy efficiency via ambient-aware IT workload scheduling - IEEE Conference Publication

  38. Profiling Sustainability of Data Centers - IEEE Conference Publication

  39. PV microgrid islanded operation analysis with the designed smart VSI - IEEE Conference Publication

  40. Research on Resilience of Power Systems Under Natural Disasters—A Review - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  41. Resilience at the edge in cyber-physical systems - IEEE Conference Publication

  42. Result assessment of the first local micro-grid in Mashhad, Iran - IEEE Conference Publication

  43. Scalable Memcached Design for InfiniBand Clusters Using Hybrid Transports - IEEE Conference Publication

  44. Scope for distributed renewable energy systems in South India - IEEE Conference Publication

  45. Smart islanding in smart grids - IEEE Conference Publication

  46. Solar generation prediction using the ARMA model in a laboratory-level micro-grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  47. Studies on the monitoring and control platform of microgrids - IEEE Conference Publication

  48. Studying the impacts of cyber-attack on smart grid - IEEE Conference Publication

  49. Sustainability Driven Performance Evaluation of Underground Smart Grid Conversion - IEEE Conference Publication

  50. The Power of ARM64 in Public Clouds - IEEE Conference Publication

  51. Utility Oriented Demand Side Management Using Smart AC and Micro DC Grid Cooperative - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  52. Zero standby power high efficiency hot plugging outlet for 380VDC power delivery system - IEEE Conference Publication

Token Paper Collection 4

  1. A bidirectional network collaboration interface for CDNs and Clouds services traffic optimization - IEEE Conference Publication

  2. Accelerating Distributed Updates with Asynchronous Ordered Writes in a Parallel File System - IEEE Conference Publication

  3. A closer look at a content delivery network implementation - IEEE Conference Publication

  4. Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Joint Cloud Video Delivery - IEEE Conference Publication

  5. A distributed video share system based on Hadoop - IEEE Conference Publication

  6. A measurement study of the potential benefits for peer-assisted mobile VoD - IEEE Conference Publication

  7. Analysis of the Relationship Between Server Location and RTT - IEEE Conference Publication

  8. An Analysis of NDN Congestion Control Challenges - IEEE Conference Publication

  9. An experimental evaluation of Akamai adaptive video streaming over HSDPA networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  10. Approaches to the development of a mediacontent delivery network based on the infrastructure of existing saas and iaas providers - IEEE Conference Publication

  11. Artificial reefs in British Columbia, Canada - IEEE Conference Publication

  12. Blockchain-based Management of Video Surveillance Systems: A Survey - IEEE Conference Publication

  13. Business model scenarios for seamless content distribution and delivery - IEEE Conference Publication

  14. CCDN: campus content delivery network learning facility - IEEE Conference Publication

  15. CDN cloud: A novel scheme for combining CDN and cloud computing - IEEE Conference Publication

  16. Challenges and opportunities in content distribution networks: A case study - IEEE Conference Publication

  17. CLAPS: A Cross-Layer Analysis Platform for P2P Video Streaming - IEEE Conference Publication

  18. Classifier based Gateway for Edge Computing - IEEE Conference Publication

  19. Combining Contract Theory and Lyapunov Optimization for Content Sharing With Edge Caching and Device-to-Device Communications - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  20. Common Platform Architecture for Network Function Virtualization Deployments - IEEE Conference Publication

  21. Complex hierarchical method for resource management in hybrid Content Delivery Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  22. DDoS Mitigation: Decentralized CDN Using Private Blockchain - IEEE Conference Publication

  23. Deploying a content delivery service function chain on an SDN-NFV operator infrastructure - IEEE Conference Publication

  24. Design and development of an autonomous in-seat passenger state identification in a modern vigilance enabled public transportation system - IEEE Conference Publication

  25. Design and Implementation of a Novel Grid-VO-enabled Compound Resource Tree Management Model in Multimedia Content Delivery Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  26. Designing a Private CDN with an Off-Sourced Network Infrastructure: Model and Case Study - IEEE Conference Publication

  27. Design of distance learning streaming media system based on cloud platform - IEEE Conference Publication

  28. Dominating set based content cloud architecture for video distribution services - IEEE Conference Publication

  29. Economy-based Content Replication for Peering Content Delivery Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  30. Energy consumption for data distribution in content delivery networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  31. Enhancing Content Distribution through Information-Aware Mechanisms - IEEE Conference Publication

  32. Exploring content delivery networking - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  33. Fetching Popular Data from the Nearest Replica in NDN - IEEE Conference Publication

  34. Flexible Caching Algorithms for Video Content Distribution Networks - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  35. Globule: a collaborative content delivery network - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  36. GreenWeb: Hosting High-Load Websites Using Low-Power Servers - IEEE Conference Publication

  37. Increasing the performance of CDNs using replication and caching: a hybrid approach - IEEE Conference Publication

  38. I Tube, YouTube, P2PTube: Assessing ISP benefits of peer-assisted caching of YouTube content - IEEE Conference Publication

  39. Method of Locating Mirror Servers to Alleviate Load on Servers and Links - IEEE Conference Publication

  40. Multi-defense Mechanism against DDoS in SDN Based CDNi - IEEE Conference Publication

  41. Optimizing content delivery in ICN networks by the supply chain model - IEEE Conference Publication

  42. PECS: Towards personalized edge caching for future service-centric networks - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  43. Performance evaluation of cooperative peer selection methods for P2P Video-on-Demand - IEEE Conference Publication

  44. PrefCache: Edge Cache Admission with User Preference Learning for Video Content Distribution - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  45. Purging-Aware Content Placement in Fog-Based Content Delivery Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  46. QoS-aware object replica placement in CDNs - IEEE Conference Publication

  47. Quality of experience (QoE) improvement by video caching implementation - IEEE Conference Publication

  48. Secure Edge Computing in IoT Systems: Review and Case Studies - IEEE Conference Publication

  49. Session based access control in content delivery networks in presence of congestion - IEEE Conference Publication

  50. Study of VOD Server Architecture with the Array of the Balanced Nodes in Storage and Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  51. Towards a universal friendly peer-to-peer media streaming: metrics, analysis and explorations - IET Journals & Magazine

  52. Understanding flow performance in the wild - IEEE Conference Publication

  53. Unreeling Xunlei Kankan: Understanding Hybrid CDN-P2P Video-on-Demand Streaming - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  54. Using Hierarchical Scheme and Caching Techniques for Content Distribution Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  55. Video Delivery Performance of a Large-Scale VoD System and the Implications on Content Delivery - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  56. Why File Delivery Order Change is Not Necessary at an Intermediate Node - IEEE Conference Publication

  57. YouTube all around: Characterizing YouTube from mobile and fixed-line network vantage points - IEEE Conference Publication

Token Paper Collection 5

  1. An Approach for Evaluating Cloud Application Topologies Based on TOSCA - IEEE Conference Publication

  2. Application-based QoE support with P4 and OpenFlow - IEEE Conference Publication

  3. Automated Bidding for Media Services at the Edge of a Content Delivery Network - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  4. A Virtualized, Programmable Content Delivery Network - IEEE Conference Publication

  5. AWESoME: Big Data for Automatic Web Service Management in SDN - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  6. Caching Salon: From Classical to Learning-Based Approaches - IEEE Conference Publication

  7. Caching video objects: layers vs versions - IEEE Conference Publication

  8. Can P2P help the cloud go green - IEEE Conference Publication

  9. Challenges and Opportunities for Edge Cloud Architectures - IEEE Conference Publication

  10. Consume Local: Towards Carbon Free Content Delivery - IEEE Conference Publication

  11. Content aware routing: A content oriented traffic engineering - IEEE Conference Publication

  12. Content delivery networks: a bridge between emerging applications and future IP networks - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  13. DeepCast: Towards Personalized QoE for Edge-Assisted Crowdcast With Deep Reinforcement Learning - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  14. Design of distributed video cache system on the internet - IEEE Conference Publication

  15. Distributed replica placement algorithms for peer-to-peer content distribution networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  16. Distributed storage approach in content delivery networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  17. Elastic everything What of the developing world - IEEE Conference Publication

  18. IoTCache: Toward Data-Driven Network Caching for Internet of Things - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  19. Load Adaptive Caching Points for a Content Distribution Network - IEEE Conference Publication

  20. NA-Caching: An Adaptive Content Management Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  21. OpenCDN: An ICN-based open content distribution system using distributed actor model - IEEE Conference Publication

  22. Opportunities, Requirements and Challenges for Storing Network Management Information in a Decentralized Way - IEEE Conference Publication

  23. OSDN: A Novel Platform for Service Distribution through Overlay Routing - IEEE Conference Publication

  24. Performance evaluation in trust enhanced decentralised content distribution networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  25. Quantifying Deployability & Evolvability of Future Internet Architectures via Economic Models - IEEE Conference Publication

  26. Reminiscences of Project Y and the ACS Project - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  27. Selecting path-diversified servers in content distribution networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  28. ServerCast: efficient cooperative bulk data distribution scheme for content distribution networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  29. SFDHT: A DHT Designed for Server Farm - IEEE Conference Publication

  30. Survivable Interaction Distribution Networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  31. Transferred Deep Learning-Based Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images - IEEE Journals & Magazine

  32. WAVE: Popularity-based and collaborative in-network caching for content-oriented networks - IEEE Conference Publication

  33. What can green hybrid optical circuit architecture achieve - IEEE Conference Publication

Token Paper Collection 6

  1. Affordable Mushroom Production System Design and Operations

  2. Architectural Implications in Graph Processing of Accelerator with Gardenia Benchmark Suite.pdf

  3. Automatic Energy Efficient HPC Programming: A Case Study.pdf

  4. Best Practices for Sustainable Datacenters.pdf

  5. Cloud Energy Broker: Towards SLA-Driven Green Energy Planning for IaaS Providers.pdf

  6. Co-scheduling of datacenter and HVAC loads in mixed-use buildings.pdf

  7. ECOGreen: Electricity Cost Optimization for Green Datacenters in Emerging Power Markets.pdf

  8. Elastic Power-Aware Resource Provisioning of Heterogeneous Workloads in Self-Sustainable Datacenters.pdf

  9. Energy aware software: Issues, approaches and challenges.pdf

  10. Energy Consumption Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing Systems.pdf

  11. Exploring Hardware Profile-Guided Green Datacenter Scheduling.pdf

  12. From Green Computing to Sustainable IT: Developing a Sustainable Service Orientation.pdf

  13. Full life cycle in sustainable ICT for reaching energy reduction, energy efficiency and energy proportionality.pdf

  14. Green economics: A roadmap to sustainable ICT development.pdf

  15. GreenSlot: Scheduling energy consumption in green datacenters.pdf

  16. Grid-aware placement of datacenters and wind farms.pdf

  17. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Green Pervasive and Ubiquitous Systems.pdf

  18. Hadoop branching: Architectural impacts on energy and performance.pdf

  19. Implementation of Small-Scale Mushroom Production Systems in Rural Cambodia.pdf

  20. Joint Energy Scheduling and Water Saving in Geo-Distributed Mixed-Use Buildings.pdf

  21. Leveraging on Deep Memory Hierarchies to Minimize Energy Consumption and Data Access Latency on Single-Chip Cloud Computers.pdf

  22. Making Cables Disappear: Can Wireless Datacenter be a Reality?.pdf

  23. Novel approach to urban farming: A case study of a solar-powered automated mushroom cultivation in a plastic box.pdf

  24. OpenVolcano: An Open-Source Software Platform for Fog Computing.pdf

  25. Optimized Thermal-Aware Workload Distribution Considering Allocation Constraints in Data Centers.pdf

  26. Power-utilization provisioning for data centers.pdf

  27. Power, Voltage, and Current Characteristics of Photovoltaic Modules in Saudi Arabian Cities.pdf

  28. Roadmapping the future of sustainable IT.pdf

  29. Run Data Run! Re-Distributing Data via Piggybacking for Geo-Distributed Data Analytics.pdf

  30. Sustainable blockchain-enabled services: Smart contracts.pdf

  31. The Future of Cloud Computing: Opportunities, Challenges and Research Trends.pdf

  32. Two-phase mini-thermosyphon electronics cooling, Part 1: Experimental investigation.pdf

  33. Understanding Network Requirements for Smart City Applications: Challenges and Solutions.pdf

  34. Water efficiency management in datacenters: Metrics and methodology.pdf

Token Paper Collection 8

  1. A Blockchain based Architecture for the Detection of Fake Sensing in Mobile Crowdsensing.pdf

  2. A Blockchain based Fusion Mechanism of Resource Supply Systems.pdf

  3. A Blockchain-Based Offloading Approach in Fog Computing Environment.pdf

  4. A Blockchain Based Online Trading System for DDoS Mitigation Services.pdf

  5. A Blockchain-based Platform for Exchange of Solar Energy: Laboratory-scale Implementation.pdf

  6. A Blockchain-Based Reward Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing.pdf

  7. A Blockchain-Enabled Multi-Settlement Quasi-Ideal Peer-to-Peer Trading Framework.pdf

  8. Accelerating Blockchain Transfer System Using FPGA-Based NIC.pdf

  9. Acceleration of Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Using In-GPU Cache.pdf

  10. A Concept Proposal for Peer-to-Peer Power Exchange by Market Mechanism.pdf

  11. A Cost-efficient Protocol for Open Blockchains.pdf

  12. A Decentralized Autonomous Ecosystem for Peer-To-Peer Clean Energy Trade.pdf

  13. An Energy Trade Framework Using Smart Contracts: Overview and Challenges.pdf

  14. An Unorthodox Way of Farming Without Intermediaries Through Blockchain.pdf

  15. Application of Blockchain Technology in Smart City Infrastructure.pdf

  16. Application of Blockchain Technology in the Cultural and Creative Industries.pdf

  17. A Privacy-Friendly Gaming Framework in Smart Electricity and Water Grids.pdf

  18. A Privacy-Preserving Charging Scheme for Electric Vehicles Using Blockchain and Fog Computing.pdf

  19. Architecture Design for Market-oriented Transaction of Distributed Generation Based on Blockchain.pdf

  20. A Relational Network Framework for Interoperability in Distributed Energy Trading.pdf

  21. A Reputation Management Framework for Knowledge-Based and Probabilistic Blockchains.pdf

  22. A Review on Blockchain Urgency in the Internet of Things in Healthcare.pdf

  23. A Survey on Blockchain-based Applications in Education.pdf

  24. A Survey on Green 6G Network: Architecture and Technologies.pdf

  25. A Sustainable Reward Mechanism for Block Mining in PoW-Based Blockchain.pdf

  26. A Three-Tier Framework for Understanding Disruption Trajectories for Blockchain in the Electricity Industry.pdf

  27. A Traceability Method Based on Blockchain and Internet of Things.pdf

  28. Blockchain and smart metering towards sustainable prosumers.pdf

  29. Blockchain and Sustainability: A Systematic Mapping Study.pdf

  30. Blockchain Applications in Smart Grid–Review and Frameworks.pdf

  31. Blockchain-Based Incentive Energy-Knowledge Trading in IoT: Joint Power Transfer and AI Design.pdf

  32. Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts for Sustainable Power Investments.pdf

  33. Blockchain for Cities—A Systematic Literature Review.pdf

  34. Blockchain for Future Smart Grid: A Comprehensive Survey.pdf

  35. Blockchain Meets Edge Computing: A Distributed and Trusted Authentication System.pdf

  36. Blockchain Meets Edge Computing: Stackelberg Game and Double Auction Based Task Offloading for Mobile Blockchain.pdf

  37. Blockchain strategies and policies for sustainable electric mobility into Smart City.pdf

  38. Blockchain Technology and Renewable Energy Access: A Case for sub-Saharan Africa.pdf

  39. Blockchain Technology for the Advancement of the Future.pdf

  40. Blockchain Technology Implementation In Raspberry Pi For Private Network.pdf

  41. Blockchain Technology - Opportunities for Emerging Economies.pdf

  42. Blockchain: The Novel Way to Secure Confidence!.pdf

  43. BlockCom: A Blockchain Based Commerce Model for Smart Communities using Auction Mechanism.pdf

  44. BlockONS: Blockchain based Object Name Service.pdf

  45. BRUSCHETTA: An IoT Blockchain-Based Framework for Certifying Extra Virgin Olive Oil Supply Chain.pdf

  46. Data Analysis of Building Sensors for Efficient Energy Management and Future Trends in the EU.pdf

  47. Decentralized Optimal Power Flow in Distribution Networks Using Blockchain.pdf

  48. Demystifying Distributed Ledger Technologies: Limits, Challenges, and Potentials in the Energy Sector.pdf

  49. Design and Analysis of Incentive Mechanism for Ethereum-based Supply Chain Management Systems.pdf

  50. Design and Field Implementation of Blockchain Based Renewable Energy Trading in Residential Communities.pdf

  51. Design of a Smart Contract Based Autonomous Organization for Sustainable Software.pdf

  52. Design of Network Media’s Digital Rights Management Scheme Based on Blockchain Technology.pdf

  53. Digital Currency Design for Sustainable Active Debris Removal in Space.pdf

  54. Dynamic Sensor Renting in RF-powered Crowdsensing Service Market with Blockchain.pdf

  55. Employability of blockchain technology in defence applications.pdf

  56. Energy Data Security and Multi-Source Coordination Mechanism Based on Blockchain.pdf

  57. Engineering Economics in the Conflux Network.pdf

  58. Engineering Peace and Security Interventions: Dynamics in Somalia.pdf

  59. Fast, Dynamic and Robust Byzantine Fault Tolerance Protocol for Consortium Blockchain.pdf

  60. From centralized to decentralized blockchain-based product registration systems: the use case of lighting and appliances.pdf

  61. Interoperable Framework to Enhance Citizen Services in the Kingdom of Bahrain.pdf

  62. MiSA - A System for a Microlending Service to Assist Edge Communities.pdf

  63. Monetary Stabilization in Cryptocurrencies Design Approaches and Open Questions.pdf

  64. MWPoW - Multi-Winner Proof of Work Consensus Protocol: An Immediate Block-Confirm Solution and an Incentive for Common Devices to Join Blockchain.pdf

  65. Optimal Fee Structure for Efficient Lightning Networks.pdf

  66. PCP Framework to Expose Malware in Devices.pdf

  67. Peer to Peer Business Model Approach for Renewable Energy Cooperatives.pdf

  68. Prosumer Community: A Risk Aversion Energy Sharing Model.pdf

  69. PUFchain: A Hardware-Assisted Blockchain for Sustainable Simultaneous Device and Data Security in the Internet of Everything (IoE).pdf

  70. Receiver-Based Recovery of Clipped OFDM Signals.pdf

  71. RESCoin to improve Prosumer Side Management into Smart City.pdf

  72. Research on Blockchain for Sustainable E-Agriculture.pdf

  73. Residential PV Multilateral Trading Platform Based on Blockchain.pdf

  74. Review of Blockchain Enabled Decentralized Energy Trading Mechanisms.pdf

  75. Securing Logs of a System - An IoTA Tangle Use Case.pdf

  76. Small Transactions with Sustainable Incentives.pdf

  77. SmartChain: A Smart and Scalable Blockchain Consortium for Smart Grid Systems.pdf

  78. Study of Blockchain with Bitcoin based Fund Raise Use case using Laravel Framework.pdf

  79. Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture.pdf

  80. Supply Chain Management using Blockchain.pdf

  81. Susereum: Towards a Reward Structure for Sustainable Scientific Research Software.pdf

  82. Sustainable blockchain through proof of exercise.pdf

  83. Sustainable Member Motivation System Proposal for NGOs: NGO-TR.pdf

  84. SwiftFabric: Optimizing Fabric Private Data Transaction Flow TPS.pdf

  85. Technology for Social Good Foundations: A Perspective From the Smallholder Farmer in Sustainable Supply Chains.pdf

  86. Towards Blockchain-Based Architecture for Smart Cities Cyber-Security.pdf

  87. Toward Sustainable Communities with a Community Currency A Study in Car Sharing.pdf

  88. Transaction Propagation on Permissionless Blockchains: Incentive and Routing Mechanisms.pdf

  89. Trustworthiness Optimization of Industrial Cluster Network Platform Based on Blockchain.pdf

  90. Workshop 2 Blockchain in Education.pdf